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This project uses a number of external resources (eg, infrastructure, JavaScript libraries):

See below for specific information, links, etc.



We prefer CoffeeScript to JavaScript; its syntax is cleaner, more powerful, and safer (by default). That said, JavaScript is certainly allowed in recipes.


D3 is an extremely flexible library for generating graphics, based on dynamic DOM manipulation, SVG, etc.


Ember is a very promising framework for single-page web applications. We are watching it closely, but at present we are only using the Handlebars component.


GitHub is a collaborative workspace for software development, etc. It is very popular among Open Source projects (eg, Linux, Ruby). GitHub Pages publishes selected sets of GitHub files as web pages; we use this to publish our recipes, documentation, etc.


Handlebars (actually, part of Ember) is a client-side semantic templating system. We use it to generate SPARQL queries, reports, etc.


Jekyll is an automated system for processing sets of files into web content, using Liquid, Markdown, etc.


jQuery is the Swiss Army Knife of JavaScript. It greatly simplifies many web development tasks.


Liquid provides server-side includes, variable interpolation, etc.


Markdown is a simple, attractive markup syntax for generating HTML. When it runs out of steam, raw HTML can be included.

Semantic Web

JSON-LD is a JSON dialect for use with Linked Data. SPARQL is a Semantic Web query language supported by RDF Triplestores.


Underscore provides a nice set of convenience functions, borrowed from functional programming, Ruby, etc.